Alpha Warrior – Ninja Warrior meets main stream fitness

alpha warrior collage

Syl from posted a link to my wall on my birthday about this event and I got so excited! (thanks again Syl!) Partly because I stubbornly believe I’m heading into the prime years of my life and because ever since I saw Fon’s brother’s american ninja warrior video (here) I’ve wondered what it would be like to do something like it.

Well here we got to demo the course for free today! Before the Alpha Warrior franchise comes back on tour in March they decided to give some people a run and get some feedback about the course. A chance to fail spectacularly and not have to pay? I’m so in!

They said they brought out only 1/3 of their stations with each station providing pretty unique challenges. Alcatraz was by far their behemoth. A 3 tiered structure consisting of mesh tunnel crawls, monkey bars, station jumps, and uneven bars. When I got to the top teir 30+ feet off the ground, the heights and the ever so slight sway got to me. Station jumping was physically easy but mentally taxing. I knew the net meant only a 5-8 foot drop but staring down you could see the entire drop to the floor, the uneven bars weren’t any easier as displayed below.

Could not complete all the obstacles due to a horribly weak wrist and unfortunately had an incident with a sprained shoulder with one of our guys, but all in all…super fun! Back muscles tingling. It was probably a little too easy for some but when they bring out the other 2/3 of the course in March it’ll be a sight to see.

spider wall and uneven barsAlpha Warrior Prove IT

They had a really good camera crew there. Check out the promo for video footage of the actual course (action starts halfway in).

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