J.Wu, C.Changchien, L.Hui
Night of the shoot
For those of you who are interested in downloading the song, Chris has released the song on www.chrischangchien.bandcamp.com for free!
The video was shot using a canon t2i with a nikkor 35mm f/2. Flood light for external lighting and for audio recording equipment, you’ll have to ask Chris Changchien. no idea.
photos taken by Josh Wu. Check out his full set of pictures on JMW590.wordpress.com
funky stabilizing technique learned from youtube.
Post Production
Converted from H.264 to AIC using MPEG Streamclip and edited in Final Cut Express 4. Found out that FCE only accepts 30fps so shooting in 60fps is pretty useless unless the video is slowed down prior to importing into FCE. You’ll notice the 60 fps –> 30 fps at the 0:19-0:22 mark in the video.
This was the first time I’ve ever adjusted color in a video and found the task to be quite tedious as the filters had to be adjusted for each individual clip. Adjusting to FCE from Premiere will take some time to get used to but all in all a pretty pleasant experience.