CEC Family Retreat: Games

CEC Family Retreat: Games
photos courtesy of Kye Cheung (full album)
 Steven Chan and I battling it out: rock-paper-scissors style
Retreat isn’t without its fun. Our speaker challenged us that if we were truly family we’d make an attempt to learn every single name in our family.  Challenge accepted.
The game tonight would determine the ultimate rock-paper-scissors champion at CEC with a twist. Every time you defeated someone in battle they would then follow you around as you continued your conquest. The catch. At random points in the game a time out would be called. If you could not name every person trailing you, you became the tail of your own line and the 2nd person following you became the new head.
Well with ~250+ players from multiple congregations, it seemed chaotic at times but surprisingly everyone had a great time and learned a whole bunch of new names! I doubt anyone could have really named all the names but some were able to rattle off the 20-30 people they conquered with real ease. A fun ice-breaker.

CEC Family Retreat: Games
I tried stoking the competitive fire by challenging the cantonese to see which congregation could produce the champion. Ultimately, youth prevailed!
CEC Family Retreat: Games
The next game was human scavenger, finding people who had unique characterisitcs and talents. ie Who can do the splits, handstand, & backbend. Who has the most siblings, who has the longest last name (we had someone with 14 siblings!)?
CEC Family Retreat: Games
 Seems like the Cantonese congregation had fun pointing at Edison
CEC Family Retreat

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